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Working with two monitors

Working with two monitors is realy great. There are keyboard shortcuts in Windows 7 that make the work with them much easier and faster ...


Array formula (CSE) in a VBA code

Sometimes for continuing of a code we need to get a value from a range in the sheet. For example we have a range with numbers and we want to find a minimum. There is the object called WorksheetFunction, then we can write:
Select all
var = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(Range("A2:A10"))
It's very simple, isn't it? Which methods (worksheet functions) we can use by this way you can read here.

But if we need a minimum for the same range, but value in column B must be specific, at this moment a lot of poeple make loops. But why? In the sheet we can enter this formula (CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER):


and the result we have in a single step. Can we use it in our code? Answer is yes, we can. There is a method Evaluate which transforms a text to value. In the code we can write:

Select all
var = Evaluate("=MIN(IF(B2:B10=""a"",A2:A10,MAX(A2:A10)))")
and we get the result in a single step.

Combination with VBA function

Using the worksheet functions is always better then a VBA code. It's the best way how to pick up Excel. However, there are some cases, in which we have to use a used defined function (UDF). For example, sometimes people ask: "I have a data in the range and I need insert them to one cell. How can I do it?".

We could use either loops or Evaluate for this. If we know this function returns values, we are able to write:
Select all
var = Evaluate("TRANSPOSE(" & rRange.Address & ")")
Now the variable var contents an array of the cells values. We use Join function to get the value in a single step.
Select all
Function CONCATENATE_RANGE(rRange As Range, Optional sDelimiter As String = ",") As String
  CONCATENATE_RANGE = Join(Evaluate("TRANSPOSE(" & rRange.Address & ")"), sDelimiter)
End Function
If there are some empty cells in the range, still we don't need a loop. We can use Filter function.
Select all
Function CONCATENATE_RANGE(rRange As Range, Optional sDelimiter As String = ",") As String
  CONCATENATE_RANGE = Replace(Join(Filter(Evaluate("TRANSPOSE(IF(ISBLANK(" & rRange.Address & "),"""",""###"")&" & rRange.Address & ")"), "###"), ","), "###", vbNullString)
End Function

Let's go on

Complication: we need only values from column A if in column B is a specific value. CSE formula can look


but the result contains zero lenght strings instead of values which don't comply the condition. To get rid of them, we use the space character as a delimiter and we clean the result with Trim worksheet function.
Select all
var = Application.WorksheetFunction.Trim(Join(Evaluate("TRANSPOSE(IF(B2:B10=""a"",A2:A10,""""))"), " "))
We get the required values to one cell and still in a single step.

And finally

Select all
Function CONCATENATE_RANGEIF(ByVal rRange As Range, ByVal vCrit As Variant, Optional ByVal rCon_Range As Range = Nothing, Optional ByVal sDelimiter As String = ",") As String
'rRange - Required. The range of cells that you want evaluated by criteria.
'vCrit - Required. Defines which cells will be added.
'rCon_Range - Optional. The actual cells to add, if you want to add cells other than those specified in the rRange argument.
'  If the rCon_Range argument is omitted, Excel adds the cells that are specified in the rRange argument.
'sDelimiter - Optional. Any string, used to separate the substrings in the returned string. If omitted, the comma (",") is used.
  Const sNonsence As String = "°°"
  If rCon_Range Is Nothing Then
    Set rCon_Range = rRange
  End If
  Select Case TypeName(vCrit)
    Case "String"
      vCrit = """" & vCrit & """"
    Case "Range"
      If TypeName(vCrit.Value) = "String" Then
        vCrit = """" & vCrit.Value & """"
      End If
  End Select
  Dim sResult As String
  sResult = Join(Evaluate("TRANSPOSE(IF(" & rRange.Address & "= " & vCrit & "," & rCon_Range.Address & ",""" & sNonsence & """))"), sDelimiter)
  sResult = Replace(sResult, sDelimiter & sNonsence, vbullstring)
  sResult = Replace(sResult, sNonsence & sDelimiter, vbullstring)
  Set rRange = Nothing
  Set rCon_Range = Nothing
End Function

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