Sometimes for continuing of a code we need to get a value from a range in the sheet. For example we have a range with numbers and we want to find a minimum. There is the object called WorksheetFunction, then we can write:
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var = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(Range("A2:A10"))

But if we need a minimum for the same range, but value in column B must be specific, at this moment a lot of poeple make loops. But why? In the sheet we can enter this formula (CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER):
and the result we have in a single step. Can we use it in our code? Answer is yes, we can. There is a method Evaluate which transforms a text to value. In the code we can write:
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and we get the result in a single step.var = Evaluate("=MIN(IF(B2:B10=""a"",A2:A10,MAX(A2:A10)))")
Combination with VBA function
Using the worksheet functions is always better then a VBA code. It's the best way how to pick up Excel. However, there are some cases, in which we have to use a used defined function (UDF). For example, sometimes people ask: "I have a data in the range and I need insert them to one cell. How can I do it?".We could use either loops or Evaluate for this. If we know this function returns values, we are able to write:
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Now the variable var contents an array of the cells values. We use Join function to get the value in a single step.var = Evaluate("TRANSPOSE(" & rRange.Address & ")")
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If there are some empty cells in the range, still we don't need a loop. We can use Filter function.Function CONCATENATE_RANGE(rRange As Range, Optional sDelimiter As String = ",") As String CONCATENATE_RANGE = Join(Evaluate("TRANSPOSE(" & rRange.Address & ")"), sDelimiter) End Function
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Function CONCATENATE_RANGE(rRange As Range, Optional sDelimiter As String = ",") As String CONCATENATE_RANGE = Replace(Join(Filter(Evaluate("TRANSPOSE(IF(ISBLANK(" & rRange.Address & "),"""",""###"")&" & rRange.Address & ")"), "###"), ","), "###", vbNullString) End Function
Let's go on
Complication: we need only values from column A if in column B is a specific value. CSE formula can look{=IF(B2:B10="a",A2:A10,"")}
but the result contains zero lenght strings instead of values which don't comply the condition. To get rid of them, we use the space character as a delimiter and we clean the result with Trim worksheet function.
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We get the required values to one cell and still in a single step.var = Application.WorksheetFunction.Trim(Join(Evaluate("TRANSPOSE(IF(B2:B10=""a"",A2:A10,""""))"), " "))
And finally
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Function CONCATENATE_RANGEIF(ByVal rRange As Range, ByVal vCrit As Variant, Optional ByVal rCon_Range As Range = Nothing, Optional ByVal sDelimiter As String = ",") As String 'rRange - Required. The range of cells that you want evaluated by criteria. 'vCrit - Required. Defines which cells will be added. 'rCon_Range - Optional. The actual cells to add, if you want to add cells other than those specified in the rRange argument. ' If the rCon_Range argument is omitted, Excel adds the cells that are specified in the rRange argument. 'sDelimiter - Optional. Any string, used to separate the substrings in the returned string. If omitted, the comma (",") is used. Const sNonsence As String = "°°" If rCon_Range Is Nothing Then Set rCon_Range = rRange End If Select Case TypeName(vCrit) Case "String" vCrit = """" & vCrit & """" Case "Range" If TypeName(vCrit.Value) = "String" Then vCrit = """" & vCrit.Value & """" End If End Select Dim sResult As String sResult = Join(Evaluate("TRANSPOSE(IF(" & rRange.Address & "= " & vCrit & "," & rCon_Range.Address & ",""" & sNonsence & """))"), sDelimiter) sResult = Replace(sResult, sDelimiter & sNonsence, vbullstring) sResult = Replace(sResult, sNonsence & sDelimiter, vbullstring) Set rRange = Nothing Set rCon_Range = Nothing CONCATENATE_RANGEIF = sResult End Function
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