Arguments:sZipFile - path to a zip archive.
sFileName - only this file will be extracted from the sZipFile. If it isn't defined all files will be extracted.
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Sub subUnzip(sZipFile As String, Optional sFileName As String = vbNullString) Const csDEST As String = "UNPACKED" If Not Len(Dir(sZipFile)) = 0 Then If Right$(sZipFile, 4) = ".zip" Then Dim sOutputDir As String sOutputDir = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject").GetParentFolderName(sZipFile) & "\" & csDEST With CreateObject("Shell.Application") MkDir sOutputDir If Len(sFileName) = 0 Then .Namespace(CStr(sOutputDir)).CopyHere .Namespace(CStr(sZipFile)).Items Else .Namespace(CStr(sOutputDir)).CopyHere .Namespace(CStr(sZipFile)).Items.Item(CStr(sFileName)) End If End With 'CreateObject("Shell.Application") Else 'your code if the file isn't a zip End If Else 'your code if the zip-file doesn't exist End If End Sub
Arguments:sPath - path to a file or directory to be packaged
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Sub subZip(sPath As String) If Not Len(Dir(sPath, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then Dim sOutputFile As String sOutputFile = sPath & ".zip" If Len(Dir(sOutputFile)) = 0 Then Dim iFileNum As Integer iFileNum = FreeFile Open sOutputFile For Output As #iFileNum Print #iFileNum, "PK" & Chr(5) & Chr(6) & String(18, 0); Close #iFileNum With CreateObject("Shell.Application") If GetAttr(sPath) = vbDirectory Then .Namespace(CStr(sOutputFile)).CopyHere .Namespace(CStr(sPath)).Items While Not .Namespace(CStr(sPath)).Items.Count = .Namespace(CStr(sOutputFile)).Items.Count Wend Else .Namespace(CStr(sOutputFile)).CopyHere CStr(sPath) End If End With 'CreateObject("Shell.Application") Else 'your code if the zipfile already exists End If Else 'your code if the path doesn't exist End If End Sub
Arguments:sZipFile - path to a zip archive.
sFileName - a file to be replaced.
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Sub subReplaceInZip(sZipFile As String, sFileName As String) If Not Len(Dir(sZipFile)) = 0 Then If Right$(sZipFile, 4) = ".zip" Then If Not Len(Dir(sFileName)) = 0 Then With CreateObject("Shell.Application") Dim sFolder As String sFolder = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject").GetParentFolderName(sZipFile) & "\DeFaFrZi" MkDir sFolder Dim sInZip As String sInZip = Mid$(sFileName, InStrRev(sFileName, "\") + 1) .Namespace(CStr(sFolder)).MoveHere .Namespace(CStr(sZipFile)).Items.Item(CStr(sInZip)) .Namespace(CStr(sZipFile)).CopyHere CStr(sFileName) End With 'CreateObject("Shell.Application") On Error Resume Next Kill sFolder & "\*.*" On Error GoTo 0 RmDir sFolder Else 'your code if the file doesn't exist End If Else 'your code if the file isn't a zip End If Else 'your code if the zip-file doesn't exist End If End Sub
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