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Working with two monitors is realy great. There are keyboard shortcuts in Windows 7 that make the work with them much easier and faster ...


VBA - how to unzip or zip files

Sometimes people ask me whether it is possible to work with zip archives directly in Excel application. That's why I decided to put here subroutines that can unpack a zip archive, pack up files to a zip archive or replace (actualize) an existing file in an existing zip archive.
There is used the Folder object and the Shell.NameSpace method to create this object.


sZipFile - path to a zip archive.
sFileName - only this file will be extracted from the sZipFile. If it isn't defined all files will be extracted.
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Sub subUnzip(sZipFile As String, Optional sFileName As String = vbNullString)
  Const csDEST As String = "UNPACKED"

  If Not Len(Dir(sZipFile)) = 0 Then
    If Right$(sZipFile, 4) = ".zip" Then
      Dim sOutputDir As String
      sOutputDir = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject").GetParentFolderName(sZipFile) & "\" & csDEST
      With CreateObject("Shell.Application")
      MkDir sOutputDir
      If Len(sFileName) = 0 Then
        .Namespace(CStr(sOutputDir)).CopyHere .Namespace(CStr(sZipFile)).Items
        .Namespace(CStr(sOutputDir)).CopyHere .Namespace(CStr(sZipFile)).Items.Item(CStr(sFileName))
      End If
      End With 'CreateObject("Shell.Application")
      'your code if the file isn't a zip
    End If
    'your code if the zip-file doesn't exist
  End If
End Sub


sPath - path to a file or directory to be packaged
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Sub subZip(sPath As String)
  If Not Len(Dir(sPath, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
    Dim sOutputFile As String
    sOutputFile = sPath & ".zip"
    If Len(Dir(sOutputFile)) = 0 Then
      Dim iFileNum As Integer
      iFileNum = FreeFile
      Open sOutputFile For Output As #iFileNum
      Print #iFileNum, "PK" & Chr(5) & Chr(6) & String(18, 0);
      Close #iFileNum
      With CreateObject("Shell.Application")
      If GetAttr(sPath) = vbDirectory Then
        .Namespace(CStr(sOutputFile)).CopyHere .Namespace(CStr(sPath)).Items
        While Not .Namespace(CStr(sPath)).Items.Count = .Namespace(CStr(sOutputFile)).Items.Count
        .Namespace(CStr(sOutputFile)).CopyHere CStr(sPath)
      End If
      End With 'CreateObject("Shell.Application")
      'your code if the zipfile already exists
    End If
    'your code if the path doesn't exist
  End If
End Sub


sZipFile - path to a zip archive.
sFileName - a file to be replaced.
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Sub subReplaceInZip(sZipFile As String, sFileName As String)
  If Not Len(Dir(sZipFile)) = 0 Then
    If Right$(sZipFile, 4) = ".zip" Then
      If Not Len(Dir(sFileName)) = 0 Then
        With CreateObject("Shell.Application")
        Dim sFolder As String
        sFolder = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject").GetParentFolderName(sZipFile) & "\DeFaFrZi"
        MkDir sFolder

        Dim sInZip As String
        sInZip = Mid$(sFileName, InStrRev(sFileName, "\") + 1)
        .Namespace(CStr(sFolder)).MoveHere .Namespace(CStr(sZipFile)).Items.Item(CStr(sInZip))
        .Namespace(CStr(sZipFile)).CopyHere CStr(sFileName)
        End With 'CreateObject("Shell.Application")
        On Error Resume Next
        Kill sFolder & "\*.*"
        On Error GoTo 0
        RmDir sFolder
        'your code if the file doesn't exist
      End If
      'your code if the file isn't a zip
    End If
    'your code if the zip-file doesn't exist
  End If
End Sub

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