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Working with two monitors

Working with two monitors is realy great. There are keyboard shortcuts in Windows 7 that make the work with them much easier and faster ...


Blogger - a downloadable file with a counter

I found several manuals how to add a downloadable file to a post in I also wanted a download counter, so I was looking for, I was reading, I was thinking and finally I was successful. Lest I forget, this post is a manual. But maybe it could help to someone else. ;)
1. Upload a file to Google drive
How to upload the file I found for example here.
Uploaded and shared file EmptyFile.txt in my Google drive:

2. Create a long URL
According to these instructions I can create a long download URL:

3. Create a short URL
I use Google URL shortener to create a short URL. There are basic statistics for all created URLs, so I can see number of clicks for each added.
Created link:

4. Get statistics from Google URL shortener
In URL Shortener API I found the Url: get method. I created a reguest with these parameters:
shortUrl =>
projection => ANALYTICS_CLICKS
fields = analytics
Created request:

For response click here.

5. Add HTML/Script gadgets
According to these instructions I wrote this code:
Select all
<script type='text/javascript'>
function appendResult(result) {
  var elementId ='/') + 1);
  document.getElementById(elementId).nextSibling.innerHTML = '&nbsp;(' + + 'x)';

function makeRequest() {
  var statElements = document.getElementsByClassName('downURL');  
  var request;
  var url; var newId;
  for (i = 0; i < statElements.length; i++) {
    url = statElements[i].getAttribute('href');
    newId = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
    statElements[i].setAttribute('id', newId);
    request = gapi.client.urlshortener.url.get({
      'shortUrl': statElements[i].getAttribute('href'),
      'projection': 'ANALYTICS_CLICKS'
      function(response) {
      function(reason) {
        console.log('Error: ' + reason.result.error.message);

function init() {
  var statElements = document.getElementsByClassName('downURL');
  gapi.client.load('urlshortener', 'v1').then(makeRequest);
<script src=""></script>
Paste the code into a new HTML/Script gadget and insert it below the post body.

How to acquire an API key see here.

6. Insert a link into the post
Now insert the link with attribute class="downURL" somewhere into the post body:
<a href="FILE SHORT URL" class="downURL" target="_blank">SOME TEXT</a>
And finally insert <span></span> just behind. Here the script will write the result.
The code:
Select all
<a href="" class="downURL" target="_blank">EmptyFile.txt</a><span></span>
At the post: EmptyFile.txt


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