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Working with two monitors

Working with two monitors is realy great. There are keyboard shortcuts in Windows 7 that make the work with them much easier and faster ...


Easy and quick formula translation

Are you using a localized version of MS Office? Did you find a formula with the English names of functions? You can translate each function in the formula manualy or you could use Immediate window in VB editor.
  1. Copy the formula to translate to the clipboard.
  2. Select any cell in a sheet and paste.
  3. Open VB editor (press ALT+F11).
  4. Activate Immediate window (press CTRL+G).
  5. Write ActiveCell.Formula=ActiveCell.Formula and press ENTER.
  6. Done! You have the localized formula in the selected cell.
You can try translate this formula:
Select all
=SUBSTITUTE(PROPER(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE("i lIKE THE MIcrisoft xc","MIcrisoft","Microsoft"),"xc","Excel")),"The","the")

Conversely, if you want to translate your formula to the English.
  1. Select the cell with your formula to translate.
  2. Open VB editor (press ALT+F11).
  3. Activate Immediate window (press CTRL+G).
  4. Write ?ActiveCell.Formula and press ENTER.
  5. Done! You have the translated formula in the Immediate window.


You can also try Excel-Translator add-in.


  1. Užitočný tip a pekný blog. Pochvala za oboje :)

  2. Snáď sa časom dokopem k tomu, že nejaký blog vytvorím i ja. Vedľajší príjem určite nie je na škodu a blog by mohol byť dobrý reklamný nástroj. :)
